Youth Presentation: The Relevance of The Hijrah (The Migration to Madinah)

The Manifestation of the Prophetic mission was the Hijrah in the month of Rabi?ul-Awwal. Umar (RA) is reported to have said: ?The Hijrah has separated truth from falsehood, so calculate dates from it.? This vital…

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Fasting While in School

Whether it be final exams, a big game, or the upcoming SAT we shouldn?t think that fasting will stop us from achieving our goals. ———————————————————————————- Don’t forget to like, share, and leave a comment below…

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Youth Presentation: Making Sense of Marijuana as a Muslim

With the rise of marijuana use across high schools and college campuses, some questions come to mind: How do we make sense of marijuana as Muslims? If there are benefits in smoking marijuana and we?re…

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Youth Presentation: Deen One: Set Sail

Don’t forget to like, share, and leave a comment below with your thoughts. Feel free to add this video to a playlist if you want to watch it later. Hit the bell to turn on…

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Youth Presentation: Eid Mubarak from Deen One!

Bismillah Ar-Rahman Ar-Raheem. A Warm Eid Mubarak from Deen One! – Taqabbal Allahu minnaa wa minkum.* May Allah (swt) accept our fasting, good deeds, Salah, Zakat and all of our efforts. Ameen! May we celebrate…

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Youth Presentation: Islam & The Solar Eclipse: Putting Things in Perspective

North America will witness a total solar eclipse on August 21, 2017. As Muslims, the solar eclipse is a time to remember and worship Allah (swt). In this video, we show you the context behind…

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Youth Presentation: Islam & The Solar Eclipse: The Sign & The Sunnah

North America will witness a total solar eclipse on August 21, 2017. As Muslims, the solar eclipse is a time to remember and worship Allah (swt). In this video, we show you the evidences from…

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Youth Presentation: Islam & The Solar Eclipse: How to Perform Salat Al-Kusoof

North America will witness a total solar eclipse on August 21, 2017. As Muslims, the solar eclipse is a time to remember and worship Allah (swt). In this video, we show you the steps on…

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