Dhikr – Du’a – Day of Arafat (Hajj) – SubhanAllah Walhamdulillah Wala Ilaha Illallah Wallahu Akbar

The Prophet (?) said: “When I say “SubhanAllah walhamdulillah wala ilaha illallah wallaahu akbar (Glory be to Allah, praise be to Allah, there is no god except Allah, and Allah is Most Great)”, this is…

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Youth Presentation: How to Perform Eid Salah

There’s often a bit of confusion during the Eid Salah. I’m sure we’ve all seen or been in a situation with uncertainty on what the next step in Salah is. This video highlights various accepted…

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Why our supplications-duas are not accepted

“Aameen, Aameen, Aameen”.   These were the words the Messenger of Allah (صلى الله عليه وسلم ) said as he ascended the minbar. This famous hadith captures a dialogue between the greatest human that walked the…

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When Our Duas Are Not Answered | 5 Minute Fridays

When Our Dua’s Are Not Answered Have you wanted something a lot? Have you made dua and asked Allah for health, that better job, children, or to be free from some difficulty? Yet, despite everything…

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Dua for a Cold Day

Many of us are facing extreme weather conditions, with temperatures dropping well below freezing. In times of hardship it is vital that we should remember to supplicate to Allah سبحانه وتعالى. May Allah (سبحانه وتعالى)…

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A Dua To Change Your Day | 5 Minute Fridays

A powerful supplication for 3 important things. Source: https://www.youtube.com/user/TajiMustafa Share | Like | Subscribe Follow Taji: Twitter: @TajiMustafa Instagram: @Taji.Mustafa Facebook: www.fb.com/taji.mustafa.page

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Surah Yusuf – Lessons for Parents | 5 Minute Fridays

It’s tough raising children. What lessons from the relationship between Yusuf (as) and his father Yaqub (as)? Muslim Parents in Training https://www.facebook.com/Muslim-Paren…     Source: https://www.youtube.com/user/TajiMustafa Share | Like | Subscribe Follow Taji: Twitter: @TajiMustafa Instagram: @Taji.Mustafa…

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Supplication (Dua) for the Laylatul-Qadr-Night of Power

Supplication (Dua) for the Laylatul-Qadr-Night of Power It was narrated from ‘Aishah (May God be pleased with her) that she said: “O Messenger of Allah, what do you think I should say in my supplication,…

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