Youth Presentation: How to Be More Confident || Introducing the Insecurities Series

How to Deal with Your Insecurities || Introducing the Insecurities Series Do you find yourself unable to accept yourself? Do you second guess everything you say and do? Do you lack confidence? You’re not alone….

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Youth Presentation: How to Handle Stress

COVID-19, the fight for racial justice, staying safe, and keeping ourselves and our families healthy are just a few things that have been on our minds. These serious issues have been weighing down on us…

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Youth Presentation: Clearing Up Misunderstandings About Hijab

As awareness about the Hijab increases worldwide, a lot of misunderstandings have come about. In this video we will address some of them, such as the concept of wearing Hijab in one’s heart, Hijab in…

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Youth Presentation: Podcast: Talking About Hijab

Listen in on a discussion between four young Muslimahs about the requirements of Hijab, what it’s like wearing it in a non-Muslim country, and their unique experiences. ?? LIKE ? SHARE ? SUBSCRIBE ? Subscribe…

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Surah an-Naas- Understanding the Context of its Revelation

Understanding the importance of Surah an-Naas in the context that it was revealed provides us with a greater understanding and closeness to our mission as Muslims. Join us as the sheik explains Surah an-Naas, one…

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Dhikr – Du’a – Day of Arafat (Hajj) – SubhanAllah Walhamdulillah Wala Ilaha Illallah Wallahu Akbar

The Prophet (?) said: “When I say “SubhanAllah walhamdulillah wala ilaha illallah wallaahu akbar (Glory be to Allah, praise be to Allah, there is no god except Allah, and Allah is Most Great)”, this is…

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Interacting with Scholars

The Ummah today more than ever before needs to understand Islam, judge events correctly and implement the pure Islamic method for revival. The scholars have a pivotal role in leading this Ummah and cultivating a new…

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Youth Presentation: How to Perform Eid Salah

There’s often a bit of confusion during the Eid Salah. I’m sure we’ve all seen or been in a situation with uncertainty on what the next step in Salah is. This video highlights various accepted…

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What happens when the Status Quo is challenged by Islam

The speaker explains Surah Ash-Sharh (The Relief) and its application to the implementation of Islam today.

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