Take a Look #10 Why were the QURAYSH not won over by the character of the Prophet saw

The Prophet? had the best character and the best behavior. Yet, he was rejected by the people the who knew him the best. So the question arises; Is it possible to demonstrate Islam and invite…

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Why is the World NOT led by Muslims?

Why is the World NOT led by Muslims? A profound explanation of the following comment/ question using Surah Al-Fatihah: – “In the past when Muslims were very few (in numbers), and resources were limited, but…

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Understanding the Project of Islam

A Project is defined as an individual or collaborative enterprise that is carefully planned to achieve a particular aim. The speaker walks us through the concept of the Islam Project and answers the questions of…

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A voice from Al-Quds

Interview with Sheikh Issam from Palestine. قناة الواقية: انحياز إلى مبدأ الأمة A detailed interview with  an audience Question & Answer Session about the role of Europe, America and the Middle East in the Al…

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