Interfaith Dialogue 101

In the blessed month of Ramadhan, there is a natural inclination for Muslims to reach out to the non-Muslim community and invite them to have conviction in Islam. Many times, this yearning manifests into what’s…

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A Year of the Virus: A Look Back at 2020

The ongoing pandemic, political turmoil in the US, Macron’s attacks on Islam, and “peace” deals selling out Palestine. Join  host, Abu Yusuf, alongside our two guests, Jamal Harwood and Abdul Wahid, for a review of…

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COVID-19 Vaccine: Your Questions Answered

Covid-19 Vaccine: Your Questions Answered Dr. Abdul Wahid | Dr. Salman Rahman Source:

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Surah Yaseen and Lesson from Habib al-Najjar| 5 Minute Fridays

Who was he? What did he do? Lessons from a dramatic story in the Heart of the Qur’an.     Source: Share | Like | Subscribe Follow Taji: Twitter: @TajiMustafa Instagram: @Taji.Mustafa Facebook:

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Who do you think you are?- 5 Minute Fridays

How do you build a strong Islamic identity? How do countries build national identities?   Source: Share | Like | Subscribe Follow me: Twitter: @TajiMustafa Instagram: @Taji.Mustafa Facebook:

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Five(5) distractions of the Dunya- 5 Minute Fridays

Allah’s amazing description of human nature وَما الْحَيَوةُ الدُّنْيَا إِلاَّ مَتَاعُ الْغُرُورِ ‘And the life of this world is only a deceiving enjoyment.’ [Al Hadid 57:20]   Source: Share | Like | Subscribe Follow…

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Fruits of Democracy

What started as an experiment in Athens over two thousand years ago eventually pervaded every continent and every land. Democracy, Democracy, Democracy is the repeated call that bellows from the four corners of the globe….

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Seerah 47: The Repentance Of Ka’b Ibn Malik and His Two Companions

As soon as the Messenger of Allâh (ﷺ) had entered Madinah, he prayed two Rak‘a then he sat to receive his people. The hypocrites who were over eighty men came and offered various kinds of excuses and…

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Seerah 46: Battle of Tabuk

Ghazwat Tabuk (Battle of Tabuk), the final time the Prophet (ﷺ) was to accompany his army on a mission, began in Rajab of the 9th year After Hijrah. News reached the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ)…

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Importance of Ashura- Repost

Clarifying the understanding on Ashura and what its significance from Sharia perspective. –

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