A Forgotten Lesson of the 10th of Muharram – Ashura

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Muharram is a blessed month, of which the 10th is a unique and important date. Muslims are recommended to fast on the 9th and 10th or the 10th and 11th. There are many events in... Keep Reading »

Fasting While in School

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Whether it be final exams, a big game, or the upcoming SAT we shouldn?t think that fasting will stop us from achieving our goals. ———————————————————————————- Don’t forget to like, share, and leave a comment below... Keep Reading »

Youth Presentation: Day of Arafat Planner

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Plan for the Day of Arafat. The ninth day of Dhul Hijjah is the Day of Arafat. It is the day when pilgrims stand on the plain of Arafat to pray. This day holds great... Keep Reading »

Farewell To Ramadan

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Farwell to Ramadan Source: https://www.facebook.com/West.Ldn.Dawah/videos/?ref=page_internal Youtube: bit.ly/wld-yt Keep Reading »

So how do we attain Taqwa?

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Allah (سبحانه وتعالى.) has decreed upon His slaves to fast the blessed month of Ramadhan (Ramadan) to achieve the meaning of Taqwa (consciousness Of Allah(swt)), by conquering the soul, breaking desires and preserving the heart... Keep Reading »