Faith in Action: Responding to Crisis in Gaza

Join this student leader confront the harsh realities faced in Gaza, marking over six months of intense suffering. This discussion is not just about acknowledging the facts—it’s about taking action. As a community united by…

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Battle of the Trench to Gaza: Lessons for the Path to Justice, Resilience and Muslim Unity

Join the sheik as we explore pivotal lessons from the Battle of the Trench, where the Sahabah faced overwhelming odds with absolute courage. This discussion will draw parallels to today’s global challenges, particularly in Gaza,…

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Reflection on Lessons from Ramadan- Enjoining Good in Times of Global Crisis

As we reflect back on the recently concluded month of Ramadan, let’s explore how the practices of fasting (‘siyam’), nightly prayers (‘qiyam’), and almsgiving (‘sadaqah’) can extend  beyond our personal ibadah to significantly impact our…

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Palestine Two State Solution – History, Myths, Reality

The ongoing conflict in Gaza, with its devastating human cost, is brought into sharp focus, challenging listeners to confront the harsh realities of war and the urgent need for an absolute halt of Israel’s actions….

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Islamic Insights for Lasting Peace in Palestine

This compelling narrative draws parallels between historical Islamic events and contemporary issues in Palestine. The Sheik keenly identifies two significant episodes: one during Prophet Muhammad’s time, involving the Treaty of Hudaybiyyah, and another under the…

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Mothers Of The Ummah Speak Out For Gaza

Dr. Nazreen Nawaz, Zehra Malik, & Sarah Mohammed speak about why it is crucial that Muslim women be aware of world events.   Source:  

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The Call of Conviction in Islam: Overcoming Global Muslim Oppression (English & Arabic Audio)

Today’s discussion brings to light the powerful lesson of Surat al-Ahzab, echoing the profound struggle between faith and disbelief that continues to shape our existence. The message is clear: Unity in the face of adversity…

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Why did a Mosque welcome zionists killing Palestinians

A mosque in Ilford, East London hosted a gathering which Israeli embassy officials attended. In this khutbah, I address the agenda to promote acceptance of the zionist entity within the Muslim community and how Muslims…

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Gaza Under Attack Charity, dua and releasing the armies

Jumuah khutbah by Taji Mustafa (Hizb ut-Tahrir) as 800 are killed so far in the Israeli entity’s latest attack on Gaza, Palestine. What is the permanent Islamic solution to this occupation? 25 July 2014. Source:…

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Take a Look #6 UAE Peace Deal

The UAE has become yet another Muslim country to make peace with the Zionist Occupiers This follows Egypt, Jordan and Turkey. – Will this be a prelude to peace, as it has been claimed by…

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