Youth Presentation -Do I fear Allah swt like I fear Spiders Do I fear Allah swt like I fear Spiders

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Becoming a Al-Muttaqun (the believers with Taqwa (piety))), or a person who fears and obeys Allah, is the goal of every Muslim. What is the concept of “Fear” when it comes to Allah(swt)?  Is it... Keep Reading »

Flashes of Unity at the World Cup

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In the Muslim World where the thought of unity is met with “Unity of the Muslims is not possible”, it was refreshing to see Muslims around the world be proud of the Moroccan football team... Keep Reading »

Surah Al-Buruj- Ultimate Achievement is Attaining the Pleasure of Allah

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The most important goal a Muslim aims to achieve in his or her life is the pleasure of Allah. Whatever comes on our path in life, achieving this goal is what is on our mind... Keep Reading »

Understanding the Project of Islam

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A Project is defined as an individual or collaborative enterprise that is carefully planned to achieve a particular aim. The speaker walks us through the concept of the Islam Project and answers the questions of... Keep Reading »

Tests – A Doorway to Success

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We are taught that tests are opportunities for us to learn lessons in life and put things in our life in perspective. The speaker reminds us about the tests of the Prophets and challenges that... Keep Reading »

Our Purpose, Our Goal?

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The Mission of the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ)

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A life of normality- wife, children, livelihood, clan and kinsmen. Those days of doing what all ordinary men did were interrupted when Jibreel brought to the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) a Mission. The speaker helps us to scrutinize... Keep Reading »