Remember Death (Destroyer of pleasures)

The importance of remembering death. “Remember the destroyer of pleasures (death) often” [Tirmidhi] Source: Share | Like | Subscribe Follow me: Twitter: @TajiMustafa Instagram: @Taji.Mustafa Facebook:

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Youth Presentation: How to Be More Confident || Introducing the Insecurities Series

How to Deal with Your Insecurities || Introducing the Insecurities Series Do you find yourself unable to accept yourself? Do you second guess everything you say and do? Do you lack confidence? You’re not alone….

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Youth Presentation: How to Handle Stress

COVID-19, the fight for racial justice, staying safe, and keeping ourselves and our families healthy are just a few things that have been on our minds. These serious issues have been weighing down on us…

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Pondering Surah At-Takathur- 102

Pondering Surah At-Takathur(102) Man constantly desires the accumulation of worldly wealth.  But what are the consequences of this pursuit? The speaker dwells into the aspect of accountability before Allah(سبحانه وتعالى) specially as it relates to…

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