Standing against Ofsteds forced conversion of Muslim Children

Taji Mustafa’s khutbah following the UK school’s inspection body (Ofsted) downgrading of Muslim schools for having too much Islamic teachings. 28/11/14 Source: Share | Like | Subscribe Follow me: Twitter: @TajiMustafa Instagram: @Taji.Mustafa Facebook:…

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Al Isra wal Miraj (Night Journey and Ascension)- Understanding its Significance in Today’s Life

The Muslim Ummah worldwide celebrates Isra and Miraj (Night Journey and Ascension) on the 27th of Rajab. The sheikh explains how the significance and lessons of this blessed day can determine success or failure for Muslims in the…

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Whats your Legacy?

Talk 1: Muslim Youth leaving a Legacy Talk2: Hidden attack on the Messenger of Allah (SAW)

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Morals in Islam: A means to an end? – Abdullah Mufakkir

In this week’s circle, the speaker looks at the topic of morals in Islam and addresses it from a specific context – that is, whether morals are the solution to society’s problem or they are…

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Prophet Muhammads saw last sermon and helping Syria

The Prophet (saw) told us we are one brotherhood that must take solutions to our problems from the Quran and Sunnah. So how should we address Assad’s killings in Syria? Khutbah on Friday 25/09/15 Source:…

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Du’a for a Cold Day

Many of us are facing extreme weather conditions, with temperatures dropping well below freezing. And in these times of hardship it?s vital that we should remember to supplicate to Allah (swt) to protect us and…

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Skyrocketing Depression Rage and Violence –Yet Islam has a solution

The best reminder of comfort comes from the Creator of the heavens and the Earth in his (swt) description of Jannah (the Heavens). The speaker reminds of how the mere contemplation in the expansiveness of…

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Nurturing a Yearning for Jannah

Muslim children today live in a consumerism obsessed materialistic world that is trying to create Paradise on earth for them, with dazzling temptations and pleasures galore, many of which go against their Deen. In this…

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Between Hope and Fear of Allah–5 Minute Fridays

How do we maintain hope in Allah? What did Imam Abu Hanifa (ra) say regarding this ayah? وَٱتَّقُوا۟ ٱلنَّارَ ٱلَّتِىٓ أُعِدَّتْ لِلْكَـٰفِرِينَ ‘ Guard yourselves against the Fire prepared for the disbelievers.‘ [Ali Imran 3:131]…

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Remembering Death and the End of Life

It’s unfortunate that a COVID-19 has brought Death and the End of this life as a reality. However, as Muslims, we are reminded countless numbers of times in the Quran & the Sunnah about the…

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