The True Meaning Of Worship Abu Fouad

The true Muslim realizes true oneness and worship to Allah after searching, scrutinizing and pondering. If he is guided to the path of truth, he will be steadfast and he adheres to it. It is…

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The True Meaning Of Worship – Abu Fouad

The true Muslim realizes true oneness and worship to Allah after searching, scrutinizing and pondering. If he is guided to the path of truth, he will be steadfast and he adheres to it. It is…

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Quran and Worship in Ramadhan

Worship (Ibadah) is the relationship between human being and Allah (سبحانه وتعالى) The actions of the ibadah are meant to sanctify Allah (سبحانه وتعالى) and  are the means by which human being satisfies the instinct…

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