Taraweeh Reflections Day 29 – Ramadan 1444 Hijri 2023

On the 29th night of Taraweeh Reflections, the Sheik talks about the relevance of the first nine(9) verses of Surah At-Takwir in today’s world where we constantly hear that Islam being the source of oppressing…

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Powerful Spoken Word- From al-Hind to al-Quds

An emotional picture painted by Sami Abu Musa as a spoken word on the situation of our Ummah from al-Hind to al-Quds and a reminder that the Khilafah is coming soon.

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Removing the Lines in the Sand

Br. Taji Mustafa gave a powerful and moving address as to what our role is in the global project to liberate the ummah today. Speech taken from Hizb ut-tahrir Britain’s national conference “From al-Hind to…

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Youth Presentation: RAMADAN 2020: Reviving the Basics – Trailer

Join us LIVE on Monday April 20 6pm Central time for Deen One?s live webcast on YouTube – Ramadan 2020- Reviving the basics. Ramadan 2020 will be quite unique compared to the previous years due…

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From Ahad Ahad(the One! the One!) to Allahu Akbar!-(Allah is the Greatest!)

Muslims globally are tested daily with trials of some sort or face extreme oppression. Be it Bilal (RA) screaming Ahad! Ahad! (the One! the One!) while facing torture from his master in Mecca at the…

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How true Independence is Achieved

Independence should not be understood only linguistically, in the sense of “freedom from the direct rule and occupation of foreign entity”. The speaker clarifies how we should adopt the essence of independence from the true…

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