A New Vision for Bangladesh- The Key to Bangladesh and the World’s Future -Dr. Reazul Karim, Supreme Court of Bangladesh | Islam and the Subcontinent | Session 1 |

A New Vision for Bangladesh- The Key to Bangladesh and the World’s Future -Dr. Reazul Karim, Supreme Court of Bangladesh  | Islam and the Subcontinent | Session 1 |  In this insightful and critical talk,…

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Systemic Failures in South Asia: A Call for a Comprehesive Solution- Abdul Muqeet | Islam and the Subcontinent | Session 1 |

Br. Abdul Muqeet illumates the historical and contemporary challenges faced by the Indian subcontinent, specifically focusing on India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh. Highlighting the shared history of over 800 years under Islamic rule, the speaker examines…

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The Indian Subcontinent’s Destiny- Adnan Khan | Islam and the Subcontinent | Session 1 |

The Indian Subcontinent’s Destiny- Adnan Khan | Islam and the Subcontinent | Session 1 |  Br. Adnan Khan explores the deep historical significance of the subcontinent, a region that has always been at the center…

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