From Jerusalem to Damascus – Dr. Ayman Hameed

Live discussion with Dr. Ayman Hameed and Sheik Muhammad Shirazi on the realities of Palestine and Syria. Source:

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Islamic Insights for Lasting Peace in Palestine

This compelling narrative draws parallels between historical Islamic events and contemporary issues in Palestine. The Sheik keenly identifies two significant episodes: one during Prophet Muhammad’s time, involving the Treaty of Hudaybiyyah, and another under the…

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Zionist Propaganda Exposed

Short audio from a video answering and explaining issues regarding Islam, Muslims and Revival. YouTube Channel:  @letstakealook123 Source:

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The Undeniable Answer-The Only Solution for Palestine & Gaza

The Undeniable Answer-The Only Solution for Palestine & Gaza Where do we find the answer to Palestine and Gaza crisis? What is the solution?  Join the sheik as he provides a bit of history, the…

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Why did a Mosque welcome zionists killing Palestinians

A mosque in Ilford, East London hosted a gathering which Israeli embassy officials attended. In this khutbah, I address the agenda to promote acceptance of the zionist entity within the Muslim community and how Muslims…

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Channeling Ramadan’s Victories- Providing the solution for Al-Aqsa

In a corrupt world where injustice and unrest seem to be constantly lurking in the shadows, a few recent incidents in the Muslim World have sent shockwaves through our hearts and minds. The sanctity of…

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Al Isra wal Miraj (Night Journey and Ascension)- Understanding its Significance in Today’s Life

The Muslim Ummah worldwide celebrates Isra and Miraj (Night Journey and Ascension) on the 27th of Rajab. The sheikh explains how the significance and lessons of this blessed day can determine success or failure for Muslims in the…

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Take a Look #2 Erdogan and Imran Khan Are they better than other leaders

How should we view leaders like Erdogan and Imran Khan? Some say, ?They do more than others and are supportive of Islam and Islamic issues like Palestine?. ?Isn?t it better they do something rather than…

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There was Justice until there wasn’t

The month of Rajab overflows with events and occurrences worthy of mention, and indeed worthy of remembrance. Rajab saw events in Islamic History which belong in the category of those which changed the course of…

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Are we pleasing Allah(ﷺ) in normalizing relations with the Jewish entity?

Az-Zajjaaj said, “Man’s love for Allah and His Messenger is to obey them and to accept what Allah (ﷺ)  has commanded and the Messenger of Allah  (ﷺ) has brought.” The speaker explains the meaning of…

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