The Betrayal of Palestine signals the beginning of the Betrayers.

The Betrayal of Palestine signals the beginning of the of the Betrayers. The UAE and Bahrain moved towards normalizing relations with the Zionist entity which continues to be a mutating cancer in the heart of…

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What will be our Support and Solution for Al-Aqsa

Al-Aqsa remains under the darkness of occupation and subject to the whims of its occupiers who feel they can exert their authority over it however and whenever they wish. And yet the resolve of our…

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No Ilah(deity) But Allah (سبحانه وتعالى)

No  Ilah(deity) but Allah What does it mean to have no ilah(deity) other than Allah  (سبحانه وتعالى)? For many of us it is about not associating partners with Allah but is this what ilah really…

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What is Interfaith Dialogue?

What is Interfaith Dialogue?  Inviting non-Muslims to Islam is a matter that Allah (سبحانه وتعالى.) has made obligatory on all Muslims. The Muslims have been doing this for fourteen centuries, and continue to call others to Islam….

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Are we pleasing Allah(ﷺ) in normalizing relations with the Jewish entity?

Az-Zajjaaj said, “Man’s love for Allah and His Messenger is to obey them and to accept what Allah (ﷺ)  has commanded and the Messenger of Allah  (ﷺ) has brought.” The speaker explains the meaning of…

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Seerah 40: Minor Ghazawat – Umrah – the Battle Mutah

Having subdued two powerful sides of the Confederates coalition, the Prophet (ﷺ) started preparations to discipline the third party, i.e. the desert Bedouins, who took Najd for habitation, and continued in their usual practices of…

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Seerah 35: The Response of the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ)to the betrayal of Banu Qurayza

The response of the Prophet (ﷺ)to the betrayal of Banu Qurayza is mistakenly talked about as an incident where the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) acted brutally and Islam is mistakenly referred to as a religion of war and…

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