EID Al-Fitr 2025: A Call for Global Responsibility

In this deeply profound Eid message, the speaker draws us into a deeper awareness of our Eid celebration to reveal the immense responsibility we carry as an Ummah. Amidst joy and prayer, he invites listeners…

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What Framework shall we use

In These last ten nights of Ramadan, we are reminded that the Qur’an is a guide, not just for personal worship, but for solving society’s deepest crises through the framework of Islam.  What is the…

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Taraweeh Teachings Day 19- The Power of Good Expectation from Allah(swt)

The Prophet ﷺ narrated that Allah says: “I am as My servant expects Me to be.” (Sahih Bukhari & Muslim) This means our trust, hope, and expectations from Allah determine how we experience His mercy,…

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Ramadan Reflection Day 16- Islam- A Complete Way of Life, Not Just Rituals– Dr. Abdul Wahid

Do you treat Islam as a personal ritual or as a complete system for life? Ramadan is the month of the Quran—a time when we immerse ourselves in its recitation, its meanings, and its impact…

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Ramadan Reflection Day 11- Stand Firm Against Mockery– Dr. Abdul Wahid

Mockery, humiliation, rejection—these were the brutal challenges the Prophet ﷺ faced in the early years of his mission. Yet, in the face of such torment, Allah revealed a powerful command: Proclaim the truth and turn…

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The Ummah’s Forgotten Shield

We stand in the blessed month of Ramadan, a time of fasting, reflection, and devotion to Allah (SWT). The Prophet ﷺ taught us that fasting is a shield, protecting us from Hellfire—but is that the only shield we need? Join…

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Entering Ramadan with Perspective

As we enter Ramadan, we reflect not only on fasting but on the broader responsibility Islam places upon us. Today, we live in a world plagued by systemic inequality, racial oppression, and injustice, yet Islam…

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The Weight of Ramadan: A Divine Opportunity Not to Be Missed

Ramadan is not just another month—it is a grand invitation from Allah, a chance to rewrite our destiny, to tip the scales in our favor on the Day of Judgment. Why do we yearn for…

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The Trumpet Will Sound: Are We Ready?

Have we truly prepared for the inevitable? Death is the one certainty in life, yet it remains a taboo subject, avoided from childhood to adulthood. But what happens when the trumpet is blown? When the…

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From Pharaoh to Today: Unmasking Deception

Let’s study the story of Musa (AS) and his confrontation with Pharaoh and parallel it with modern-day challenges. The illusion of power, much like Pharaoh’s deception, dominates today’s systems, veiling the truth of global injustices. …

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