Why little dawah to non-Muslims

Why and how Muslims can explain Islam to non-Muslims. London, November 2012? Source: https://www.youtube.com/user/TajiMustafa Share | Like | Subscribe Follow me: Twitter: @TajiMustafa Instagram: @Taji.Mustafa Facebook: www.fb.com/taji.mustafa.page

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Where is Naveed Butt? – Interview – (1/3)- Urdu

A Twitter campaign is scheduled for Saturday 26 December at 10 pm PST (5 pm GMT) to demand his immediate release with the hashtag: #FreeNaveedButt The campaign is to conclude at midnight PST, 7 pm…

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Where is Naveed Butt? – Interview – (2/3)- Urdu

A Twitter campaign is scheduled for Saturday 26 December at 10 pm PST (5 pm GMT) to demand his immediate release with the hashtag: #FreeNaveedButt The campaign is to conclude at midnight PST, 7 pm…

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Where is Naveed Butt? – Interview – (3/3)- Urdu

A Twitter campaign is scheduled for Saturday 26 December at 10 pm PST (5 pm GMT) to demand his immediate release with the hashtag: #FreeNaveedButt The campaign is to conclude at midnight PST, 7 pm…

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Youth Presentation: RAMADAN 2020: Reviving the Basics – Trailer

Join us LIVE on Monday April 20 6pm Central time for Deen One?s live webcast on YouTube – Ramadan 2020- Reviving the basics. Ramadan 2020 will be quite unique compared to the previous years due…

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Youth Presentation: Be Honest With Yourself! – Avoiding Temptation & Zina

We live in a society where free mixing between men and women is the norm. In this highly sexualized society the desires are constantly triggered. This make it easy to slip, fall into haraam actions…

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Principles of Islamic Parenting 

Muslims as an Ummah and as individuals bear the ultimate responsibility of living this life according to the teachings of Islam as revealed in the Quran and Sunnah. Muslim families around the world are vulnerable…

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What is causing the killings in Chicago and other US Cities?

What is causing the killings in Chicago and other US Cities? US Headlines: 56 shot, 8 fatally, in Chicago weekend (Aug 2021) Philadelphia on Sunday surpassed 400 killings within its borders(Sept 2021) Baltimore hits 250…

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