Youth Presentation: Morality & Need For a Creator

How do we judge if something is moral or immoral, right or wrong? Is it based on what our society today deems acceptable or unacceptable? Or do we need to believe in a Creator to…

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Does Islamic Shariah take humanity back or move it forward?

Clearly, American & the West fear Sharia- Islam’s legal framework. The fear permeates from falsehoods about Islam and many of them center on what sharia is and what it is not. Join the speaker as…

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Kyle Rittenhouse & Ahmaud Arbery- Was Justice Served?

Kyle Rittenhouse and the Ahmaud Arbery cases saw similar claims of self-defense but far different outcomes. Prosecutors in Georgia and in Wisconsin both used show-and-tell techniques, displaying the guns that were fired with deadly results….

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US Capitol Attack- Root Cause Analysis

Just a day ago, the World stood in “horror” at the scenes unfolding on the US Capitol building in Washington DC. The speaker discusses the root cause of what led to the events as he…

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