Prophet Muhammads saw last sermon and helping Syria

The Prophet (saw) told us we are one brotherhood that must take solutions to our problems from the Quran and Sunnah. So how should we address Assad’s killings in Syria? Khutbah on Friday 25/09/15 Source:…

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Islam’s Melting Pot

Br. Rupon Shahid presents what society and life was like under the Khilafah in the past, and how it will look in the upcoming, second Khilafah Rashidah. Speech taken from Hizb ut-Tahrir Britain’s national conference…

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Virtues of Ramadan- Perfect Time for Restoration and Revival

The problems that Muslims face today are no different from the problems of the earliest Muslims of being abandoned by their own people, being labelled as insane or fanatics, facing social and economic restrictions, being…

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Virtues of Ramadan- The Month of Charity

Every year when Ramadan starts, Muslims rush to gather rewards. As we believe that reward is multiplied 70 times in this month, so Ramadan has become the month of collection and distribution of Zakat. Zakat…

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Virtues of Ramadan-The Month of Taqwa

The month of Ramadan has approached us once again and is providing us the opportunity to avail all that we were not able to avail in previous years. Obligations that have a cycle always hold…

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Virtues of Ramadan- Ramadan 101

Ramadan is a month where Allah (swt) makes it possible for each soul to reboot and where the son of Adam has the opportunity that Allah (swt) forgives his sins and to become one of…

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Tafseer Al Quran : Surah Ash Shams

Mohammad Abu Talha Malkawi traces marvels of the Quran as he goes in a unique Tafseer following the Surahs in the order they were revealed, tracing and detecting the method of the Quran in delivering…

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Tafseer Al Quran Surah Al Qadr

Mohammad Abu Talha Malkawi traces marvels of the Quran as he goes in a unique Tafseer following the Surahs in the order they were revealed, tracing and detecting the method of the Quran in delivering…

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Tafseer Al Quran Surah Abasa (Part 2-2)

*Tafseer Al Quran : Surah Abasa (Part 2)* Mohammad Abu Talha Malkawi traces marvels of the Quran as he goes in a unique Tafseer following the Surahs in the order they were revealed, tracing and…

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Tafseer Al Quran Surah Abasa (Part 1-2)

Mohammad Abu Talha Malkawi traces marvels of the Quran as he goes in a unique Tafseer following the Surahs in the order they were revealed, tracing and detecting the method of the Quran in delivering…

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