The War expands to Lebanon- Dr Abu Talha

In this discussion, let’s analyze the complexities of Lebanon’s role in the larger geopolitical conflict, particularly in relation to Hezbollah’s involvement and the ongoing crises in Gaza and the Middle East. Lebanon has long been…

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The Indian Subcontinent’s Destiny- Adnan Khan | Islam and the Subcontinent | Session 1 |

The Indian Subcontinent’s Destiny- Adnan Khan | Islam and the Subcontinent | Session 1 |  Br. Adnan Khan explores the deep historical significance of the subcontinent, a region that has always been at the center…

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Assassination of Ismail Haniyeh- Dr. Abu Talha

Explore the impact of the assassination of Ismail Haniyeh from a prominent political activist Dr. Abu Talha. This discussion uncovers the geopolitical consequences, regional reactions, and shifts in local dynamics, offering a concise yet thorough…

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Palestine Two State Solution – History, Myths, Reality

The ongoing conflict in Gaza, with its devastating human cost, is brought into sharp focus, challenging listeners to confront the harsh realities of war and the urgent need for an absolute halt of Israel’s actions….

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Mothers Of The Ummah Speak Out For Gaza

Dr. Nazreen Nawaz, Zehra Malik, & Sarah Mohammed speak about why it is crucial that Muslim women be aware of world events.   Source:  

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Zionist Propaganda Exposed

Short audio from a video answering and explaining issues regarding Islam, Muslims and Revival. YouTube Channel:  @letstakealook123 Source:

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The Undeniable Answer-The Only Solution for Palestine & Gaza

The Undeniable Answer-The Only Solution for Palestine & Gaza Where do we find the answer to Palestine and Gaza crisis? What is the solution?  Join the sheik as he provides a bit of history, the…

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Channeling Ramadan’s Victories- Providing the solution for Al-Aqsa

In a corrupt world where injustice and unrest seem to be constantly lurking in the shadows, a few recent incidents in the Muslim World have sent shockwaves through our hearts and minds. The sanctity of…

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Women and Girls deserve Justice but who is Responsible?

Fact: We live in a WORLD where girls as little as 10 years old are pregnant. Fact: We live in a WORLD where rape, assault, and harassment is a norm for girls and women. Fact:…

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Ending Occupation and Restoring Dignity in Palestine-Dr Abdul Wahid

The issue of Al-Aqsa and the blessed land of Palestine is a deep wound that has been inflicted upon the Muslims for over 70 years.  Again we see the brutal violation of the Muslim in…

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