Youth Presentation: Be Honest With Yourself! – Avoiding Temptation & Zina

We live in a society where free mixing between men and women is the norm. In this highly sexualized society the desires are constantly triggered. This make it easy to slip, fall into haraam actions…

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Governance of the Khilafah State-Khilafah Conference 2022

Br. Ali Merchant describes the detailed structure, requirements, departments, and institutions that compose the structure of the Khilafah State—directly drawing from the meticulous works of Hizb-ut-Tahrir on the subject. From the institution of the Khaleefah,…

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What is Morality In Islam?

The global problem of the Muslims are often times identified to be a result of the decline in the Morals. It is claimed that calling for Morals, making it the focal point, will inevitably change…

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Youth Presentation: Deen One Episode 1 – What is the importance of Muharram and Ashura?

Asalaamu Alaikum, With the Grace & Blessings of Allah (swt), Deen One is dropping our first Podcast on Muharram & Ashurah. We all know the month of Muhurram comes with many blessings and opportunities including…

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Youth Presentation: The Relevance of The Hijrah (The Migration to Madinah)

The Manifestation of the Prophetic mission was the Hijrah in the month of Rabi?ul-Awwal. Umar (RA) is reported to have said: ?The Hijrah has separated truth from falsehood, so calculate dates from it.? This vital…

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Understanding Allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى‎ ) – the Most High -Surah Al A’ala 1-7

No Muslim will deny the fact that Allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى‎ ) is the creator of Mankind. However, there persists ideas on evolution (i.e. man coming from apes), accepting rulings other than what Allah(سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى‎ ) has…

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Youth Presentation: Islam & The Solar Eclipse: Putting Things in Perspective

North America will witness a total solar eclipse on August 21, 2017. As Muslims, the solar eclipse is a time to remember and worship Allah (swt). In this video, we show you the context behind…

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Welcome to Islampodcasts on Islamic World History

Welcome to presentation on Islamic World History- Lessons of Unity, Strength, Peace & Security

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Youth Presentation: Islam & The Solar Eclipse: How to Perform Salat Al-Kusoof

North America will witness a total solar eclipse on August 21, 2017. As Muslims, the solar eclipse is a time to remember and worship Allah (swt). In this video, we show you the steps on…

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Being true to Surah Al-Fatihah

Surah Al-Fatihah has a great position in Islam and many blessings as well as a central place in the heart and daily life of Muslims. However, there is a great disparity in our understanding of…

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