Khutba for Youth – Br. Malik Nusairat

Topic: Islam has become something strange… Source:

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Khutba: The Unwavering Slave of Allah by Malik Nusairat

Khutba: The Unwavering Slave of Allah by Malik Nusairat – Source:

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Khutba: 5 Before 5 by Br. Malik Nusairat

Khutba: 5 Before 5 by Br. Malik Nusairat – Source:

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Al-Aqsa: Muslim Or Arab Issue? – Dr. Ayman Hameed & Dr. Ashraf Nusairat

The Masjid Al-Aqsa Compound, and more broadly Palestine, holds a special place in the hearts of not just Arabs, but Muslims across the world. It’s liberation from the hands of the occupying state is agreed…

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Ramadan & Revival – Mohammad Nusairat

Mohammad Nusairat discusses the necessity for an Islamic revival this blessed month. Source:

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Ramadan & Revival – Dr. Ashraf Nusairat

Dr. Ashraf Nusairat discusses the necessity for an Islamic revival this blessed month. Source:

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Educating The Next Generation – Sister Sarah & Dr. Ashraf Nusairat

Sister Sarah & Dr. Ashraf Nusairat discuss issues regarding raising Muslim children and choosing between public schools, private schools, & homeschooling. Source:

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