The War in Palestine Rages On – Adnan Khan

Adnan Khan, political analyst & founder of TheGeoPolity, discusses updates on the invasion of Gaza by the occupying power. Source:

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The Next Stage For Palestine – Dr. Abu Talha

Dr. Abu Talha discusses the possible next stage for Palestine. Source:

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Did The “Peace Process” Piece Up Palestine? – Dr. Abu Talha

Dr. Abu Talha discusses how Palestine was partitioned over the course of several decades. Source:

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How Zionists Stole Palestine – Adnan Khan

Adnan Khan lays out the key events in the history of Palestine from WWI to the modern day. Source:

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Awakening Consciousness about Muslim Unity

The most vital issue of ummah today is unity.  Join the sheik as he  draws attention to the complexities and challenges faced in achieving genuine cohesion between the Global Ummah.. Through vivid examples, he highlights unity…

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Islamic Insights for Lasting Peace in Palestine

This compelling narrative draws parallels between historical Islamic events and contemporary issues in Palestine. The Sheik keenly identifies two significant episodes: one during Prophet Muhammad’s time, involving the Treaty of Hudaybiyyah, and another under the…

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Powerful Dua’ recited at Major US University for Muslims in Palestine and Beyond

SubhanAllah, a powerful Dua’ recited resonates across a major US University campus, for the Muslims in Palestine and beyond! English Translation Available- Click Below:–A-uaAW/?igshid=MTc4MmM1YmI2Ng%3D%3D

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Fear in the Wake of Palestine: An Islamic Perspective

Fear has taken hold of Muslims and our community, particularly in the wake of recent events in Palestine. Where does this fear originate? How does Islam perceive it, and how is it regarded in contemporary…

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Zionist Propaganda Exposed

Short audio from a video answering and explaining issues regarding Islam, Muslims and Revival. YouTube Channel:  @letstakealook123 Source:

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Why did a Mosque welcome zionists killing Palestinians

A mosque in Ilford, East London hosted a gathering which Israeli embassy officials attended. In this khutbah, I address the agenda to promote acceptance of the zionist entity within the Muslim community and how Muslims…

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