Al-Quds- Our Role as Muslims

An extremely powerful address by Dr Abdul Wahid, Chairman of the Executive Committee of Hizb ut-Tahrir Britain. Masjid al-Aqsa is intrinsically linked to our Islamic ‘aqeedah, mentioned by Allah (swt) in the Qur’an! We must…

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Palestine- A Powerful Call to Action to the Youth

Just as Muhammad al-Fatih (rh), from a very young age, was obsessed about conquering Constantinople, are we (the Youth) obsessed about witnessing the liberation of Palestine and all Muslim lands? After all, we are the…

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The Ummahs Response to Occupied Palestine

A powerful and moving speech by Taji Mustafa at the “Act for al-Aqsa” protest in London, UK. We witness great hardship and suffering in Palestine, but the Ummah around the world is awakening, calling for…

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Palestine Under Attack – What is NOT the SOLUTION

After coward Zionists stormed Masjid Al-Aqsa with no consideration for the Muslims or their place of worship, Illegal Zionist entity has launched a vicious attack against Gaza, which is home to more than 1.5 million…

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Al Aqsa and Gaza are Bleeding – Who Will Respond?

Over the past few weeks, we have once again witnessed heart breaking attacks on our sacred mosque – Al Aqsa and on our brothers and sisters in Gaza and other parts of the Blessed land…

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What will be our Support and Solution for Al-Aqsa

Al-Aqsa remains under the darkness of occupation and subject to the whims of its occupiers who feel they can exert their authority over it however and whenever they wish. And yet the resolve of our…

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Eid ul Fitr Khutbah 2021

A very poignant and moving Eid ul Fitr Khutbah as the issue of Al-Aqsa and the blessed land of Palestine continues to escalate with no end in sight. Join us as the speaker reminds us…

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Ending Occupation and Restoring Dignity in Palestine-Dr Abdul Wahid

The issue of Al-Aqsa and the blessed land of Palestine is a deep wound that has been inflicted upon the Muslims for over 70 years.  Again we see the brutal violation of the Muslim in…

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Emergency Address: Bayt Al-Maqdis – Masjid al-Aqsa- Under Attack – May 9 2021

The nights of Ramadan have witnessed repeated attacks on our blessed masjid and its vicinity by the occupiers, with no consideration for the Muslims or their place of worship. Join us in this emergency address…

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Dua for a Cold Day

Many of us are facing extreme weather conditions, with temperatures dropping well below freezing. In times of hardship it is vital that we should remember to supplicate to Allah سبحانه وتعالى. May Allah (سبحانه وتعالى)…

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