Taraweeh Reflections Day 14 – Ramadan 1444 Hijri 2023

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On the 14th night of Taraweeh Reflections, the Sheik discusses the relevance of the first ayah of Al Isra in relation to the current news about Masjid Al-Aqsa. The Sheik talks about the Prophet Muhammad’s... Keep Reading »

Taraweeh Reflections Day 2 – Ramadan 1444 Hijri

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In this podcast episode, the speaker reflects on the term “Al Hikma,” which appears repeatedly in the Quran and is often misunderstood. The speaker provides examples from the Quran that connect “Hikma” to legal ways... Keep Reading »


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Over 100 years ago, the Khilafah was eradicated from the world due to tyranny, imperialism, and betrayal by those who opposed justice, mercy, and Islam. Join us to learn about our efforts to restore Islam,... Keep Reading »


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HOW THE KHILAFAH IS A DISTINCT SYSTEM After the Prophet Muhammad (saw) established the first Islamic state in medina, the rule of Islam was maintained throughout the ages until the year 1924. On March 3,... Keep Reading »

Al Isra wal Miraj (Night Journey and Ascension)- Understanding its Significance in Today’s Life

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The Muslim Ummah worldwide celebrates Isra and Miraj (Night Journey and Ascension) on the 27th of Rajab. The sheikh explains how the significance and lessons of this blessed day can determine success or failure for Muslims in the... Keep Reading »

Conviction in the Promises of Allah(swt)

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Do we have conviction in the promises of Allah(swt)?  Listen in as sheik brilliantly explains what is meant by conviction in the promises of Allah(swt)’ through the example of Isra and Mi ’raj and the... Keep Reading »

Virtues of Ramadan- Ramadan 101

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Ramadan is a month where Allah (swt) makes it possible for each soul to reboot and where the son of Adam has the opportunity that Allah (swt) forgives his sins and to become one of... Keep Reading »

Virtues of Ramadan-The Month of Taqwa

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The month of Ramadan has approached us once again and is providing us the opportunity to avail all that we were not able to avail in previous years. Obligations that have a cycle always hold... Keep Reading »

Virtues of Ramadan- The Month of Charity

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Every year when Ramadan starts, Muslims rush to gather rewards. As we believe that reward is multiplied 70 times in this month, so Ramadan has become the month of collection and distribution of Zakat. Zakat... Keep Reading »

Virtues of Ramadan- Perfect Time for Restoration and Revival

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The problems that Muslims face today are no different from the problems of the earliest Muslims of being abandoned by their own people, being labelled as insane or fanatics, facing social and economic restrictions, being... Keep Reading »