Seerah 42: Conquest of Makkah Part 2

In part two of the great Conquest of Makkah, the speaker dwells into the specific actions of the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ)’s actions after entering Makkah after the conquest. Join a breathtaking account of the series…

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Seerah 41: Conquest of Makkah Part 1

The great victory for Muslims was the conquest of Makkah, the largest stronghold of the Kufaar at the time.  The Muslim army numbering ten thousand set off from Madinah to conquer Makkah. They eventually reached…

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Has Colonialism Ended?

On the back of the global momentum of the Black Lives Matter movement, the specter of the brutal history of colonialism has raised its ugly head. The question remains whether Colonialism is something of the…

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What is a righteous deed?

As individuals, we have goals that we seek to achieve each day of our lives, whether in our education, at work, at home, with our family or children, or other aspects of our life. Indeed,…

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The Annexation of the West Bank

The blessed land of Palestine is never far from the hearts of the Muslims, irrespective of their own situation. The call for the annexation of the West Bank has further stressed the need for the…

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Seerah 37: The Treaty of Hudaibiyah (Al-Hudaybiyah)

The illuminating account and analysis from Treaty of Al-Hudaybiyah establishes many lessons for Muslims today as they proceed towards carrying the message of Islam to the world.           – –  

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Seerah 36: The Battle of Banu Mustaliq and Treacherous Role Munifiqeen

Though militarily it did not assume its full dimension, the Bani Al-Mustaliq (Muraisi‘) Ghazwah had certain implications that brought about a state of turbulence within the Islamic State, and resulted in disgracefulness to the hypocrites….

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Al-Wala Wal-Bara -Loving and Hating for Allâh (ﷺ) Sake

The loyalty of Muslims is constantly in the spotlight. This brings to the forefront the importance of understanding the notion of Al-Wala Wal-Bara for both the Muslims and those seeking and expecting the loyalty from Muslims.

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What is Systemic Racism?

Oftentimes, words and phrases are used without comprehensively understanding what they mean. “Systemic Racism” What is it? What does it mean? What is the solution?

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Seerah 33: Aftermath of Battle of Uhud

In the aftermath of the battle of Uhud, the hypocrites disclosed their real intentions in words and in deeds, consequently, the Muslims got to realize the existence of those wicked elements working secretly in their…

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