Seerah 27: Events after the Battle of Badr

Several important fundamental concepts about taking actions are discussed in relation to events after the victory of Badr. The speaker discusses the event of the fighters of Badr disputing over the distribution of the booties…

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Taraweeh Reflections Juz 1) Excuses, Excuses, Excuses!

Be it work, play, family or friends – or a fear of being blacklisted in our communities – we as Muslims, should never find reasons not to rush to the commands of Allah (swt)!  …

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Welcome to Taraweeh Reflections – Ramadan Mubarak!

Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu Ramadan Mubarak! This year, we find ourselves facing a once-in-a-lifetime Ramadan where we are all at home, self-isolating due to the Coronavirus Pandemic. The “Ramadan Feeling” has been lost…

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Understanding Dependence (Tawakkul) Upon Allah(سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى)

Muslims were once characterized as daring, creative, able to defeat any formidable enemy, and made huge strides in opening new lands to Islam. They were undaunted by challenges, refusing to give up, back down or…

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Seerah 26: The Battle of Badr

The Battle of Badr is the most important battle in the history of Islam, for through it, Allah (swt) glorified Islam and Muslims and humiliated Kufr and those who follow it. Badr was the day…

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5. Surah Al Maidah (The Table Spread)

Name This Sarah takes its’ name from verse 112 in which the word mai’dah occurs. Like the names of many other surahs, this name has no special relation to the subject of the Surah but has…

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10. Surah Yunus (Jonah)

Name The Surah takes its name from V. 98, in which there is a reference to Prophet Yunus (Jonah). The name, as usual, is symbolical and does not indicate that the Surah deals with the…

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11. Surah Hud

Name This Surah has been named after Prophet Hud whose story has been related in vv. 50-60. Period of Revelation If we consider its theme deeply, we come to the conclusion that it was revealed…

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102. Surah At Takathur (The Mutual Rivalry)

Name The Surah taken its name from the word at takathur in the first verse. Period of Revelation Abu Hayyan and Shaukani say that this Surah, according to all commentators, is Makki, and this same is the…

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7. Surah Al Aaraf (The Heights)

Name This Surah takes its name from vv. 46-47 in which mention of A’araf occurs. Period of Revelation A study of its contents clearly shows that the period of its revelation is about the same…

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