Kyrie Irving under pressure to Apologize

All eyes and immense media pressure on Muslim Basketball Player Kyrie Irving this week for an apology. Let’s go beyond the media pressure for condemnation and get to the root of the real problem. For…

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Al Aqsa and Gaza are Bleeding – Who Will Respond?

Over the past few weeks, we have once again witnessed heart breaking attacks on our sacred mosque – Al Aqsa and on our brothers and sisters in Gaza and other parts of the Blessed land…

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I am better than him!

As we enter another “Black History Month”, Muslims are well aware that the epidemic of racism that the world is facing clearly stems from its ideology and its institutions.   Racism is not inherent in the…

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US Capitol Attack- Root Cause Analysis

Just a day ago, the World stood in “horror” at the scenes unfolding on the US Capitol building in Washington DC. The speaker discusses the root cause of what led to the events as he…

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What is Systemic Racism?

Oftentimes, words and phrases are used without comprehensively understanding what they mean. “Systemic Racism” What is it? What does it mean? What is the solution?

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Seerah 32: Battle of Uhud Part 3

We continue as the Battle of Uhud rages on with the martyrdom of Mus‘ab ibn Umair(RA). When Mus’ab was killed, the Messenger of Allâh (ﷺ) delivered the standard (Raya) to ‘Ali bin Abi Talib. ‘Ali,…

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The Death of George Floyd – Tyranny, Racism and Oppression

The Death of George Floyd has again reminded of the injustice and oppression of the African American Community. The viral footage of a police officer kneeling upon George’s neck as he protests “I Cant Breathe”…

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