78. Surah An Naba (The News)

Name The Surah derived its name from the word an-Naba in the second verse. This is not only a name but also a title of its subject matter, for Naba implies the news of Resurrection and Hereafter and the…

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79. Surah Naziat (Those Who Tear Out)

Name It is derived from the word wan-nazi`at with which the Surah opens. Period of Revelation According to Hadrat Abdullah bin Abbas, this Surah was sent down after Surah An-Naba. Its subject matter also testifies that it…

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18. Surah Al Kahf (The Cave)

Name This Surah takes its name from v. 9 in which the word (al-kahf) occurs. Period of Revelation This is the first of those Surahs which were sent down in the third stage of Prophethood…

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19. Surah Maryam (Mary)

Name It takes its name from v. 16. Period of Revelation It was revealed before the Migration to Habash. We learn from authentic Traditions that Hadrat Ja’afar recited vv. 1-40 of this Surah in the…

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20. Surah Ta Ha

Name This Surah takes its name from its “first word “Ta Ha.” This name, like the names of many other Surahs, is merely symbolic. Period of Revelation The period of its revelation is the same…

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21. Surah Al Anbiyaa (The Prophets)

Name The name of this Surah has not been taken from any verse but it has been called Al-Anbiyaa because it contains a continuous account of many Anbiyaa (Prophets). Nevertheless, it is a symbolic name and not a title….

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22. Surah Al Hajj (The Hajj)

Name This Surah takes its name from v. 27. Period of Revelation As this Surah contains the characteristics of both the Makki and the Madani Surahs, the commentators have differed as to its period of…

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23. Surah Al Muminoon (The Believers)

Name The surah takes its name, Al-Mu’minun, from the first verse. Period of Revelation. Both its style and theme indicate that it was revealed during the middle stage of Prophethood at Makkah. Reading between the…

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25. Surah Al Furqan (The Criterion)

Name The Surah takes its name “Al-Furqan” from the first verse. Though it is symbolic like the names of many other Surahs, it has a close relation to its subject matter. Period of Revelation It…

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9. Surah At Taubah (The Repentance)

Name This Surah is known by two names — At-Taubah and Al-Bara’at. It is called At-Taubah because it enunciates the nature of taubah (repentance) and mentions the conditions of its acceptance.(vv. 102. 118). The second name Bara’at…

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