Ramadan Reflection Day 11- Stand Firm Against Mockery– Dr. Abdul Wahid

Mockery, humiliation, rejection—these were the brutal challenges the Prophet ﷺ faced in the early years of his mission. Yet, in the face of such torment, Allah revealed a powerful command: Proclaim the truth and turn…

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The Power of Hijrah: Redefining Modern Governance for Today’s World

Join the speaker as he reframes the Hijrah—not just as a historical milestone, but as a revolutionary shift that marked the establishment of Islam as a comprehensive system. Let’s examine how this pivotal event contrasts…

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Youth Presentation: How to cultivate a Tawakkul (Reliance) Mindset

Muslims must make absolute Tawakkul or reliance on Allah. What does that mean?  How can youth create a mindset of “reliance” on Allah (سبحانه وتعالى)to overcome the pressures of school, society, and the future? Join…

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