The Trumpet Will Sound: Are We Ready?

Have we truly prepared for the inevitable? Death is the one certainty in life, yet it remains a taboo subject, avoided from childhood to adulthood. But what happens when the trumpet is blown? When the…

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Taraweeh Reflections Day 18 – Ramadan 1444 Hijri 2023

On the 18th night of Taraweeh Reflections, the Sheik unravels the essence of Surat Al Furqan, Ayah 74, continuing from a yesterday’s discussion. As we delve into the attributes of those destined for Jannah, we…

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Seerah 47: The Repentance Of Ka’b Ibn Malik and His Two Companions

As soon as the Messenger of Allâh (ﷺ) had entered Madinah, he prayed two Rak‘a then he sat to receive his people. The hypocrites who were over eighty men came and offered various kinds of excuses and…

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