Battle of the Trench to Gaza: Lessons for the Path to Justice, Resilience and Muslim Unity

Join the sheik as we explore pivotal lessons from the Battle of the Trench, where the Sahabah faced overwhelming odds with absolute courage. This discussion will draw parallels to today’s global challenges, particularly in Gaza,…

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Removing the Lines in the Sand

Br. Taji Mustafa gave a powerful and moving address as to what our role is in the global project to liberate the ummah today. Speech taken from Hizb ut-tahrir Britain’s national conference “From al-Hind to…

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What is the Purpose & Duty of the Muslim Ummah

SubhaanAllah!  We are more than a billion Muslims in more than fifty-seven states across the Globe. What a great honor & status that Allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى‎) has bestowed upon this Ummah. This immense status and blessings…

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The Ummah Youth and what is intended for them and their Desired Role

The Ummah Youth and what is intended for them and their Desired Role The Youth compose the largest segment in the Ummah of Islam-  about 80% of the Islamic Ummah. The whole world is watching…

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Al-Khilafah Al-Rashidah (Rightly guided Caliphate) that we Yearn

Al-Khilafah Al-Rashidah (Rightly guided Caliphate) that we yearn The present generations did not grow up in awareness of the Islamic State that implements Islam as it was revealed. This absence of awareness has lasted for nearly…

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