Take a Look #5 Beirut Explosion

Ever since the inception of this artificial state, carved out of As-Shaam by the European powers with the collusion of local wannabe leaders, its short history has been about civil wars, invasions and corruption. The…

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Welcome to Islampodcasts on the Principles of Usul Al-Fiqh in English

Welcome to Islampodcasts.com presentation on the Principles of Usul Al-Fiqh – Understanding Islamic Sharia Law -English

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Welcome to Islampodcasts on the Principles of Usul Al-Fiqh in Urdu

Welcome to Islampodcasts.com presentation on the Principles of Usul Al-Fiqh – Understanding Islamic Sharia Law -Urdu

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Welcome to Islampodcasts on Islamic Governance

Welcome to Islampodcasts.com presentation on Islamic Governance

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Kyle Rittenhouse & Ahmaud Arbery- Was Justice Served?

Kyle Rittenhouse and the Ahmaud Arbery cases saw similar claims of self-defense but far different outcomes. Prosecutors in Georgia and in Wisconsin both used show-and-tell techniques, displaying the guns that were fired with deadly results….

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Seerah 52 Burial of the Prophet SAW and Selection of the first Caliph

The death of the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) was a significant event; all Muslims in Medina and its surroundings heard of the news and there was an influx of Muslims into Medina and the Masjid. Although…

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Failures in Leadership- Beruit Blast, Babri Masjid & Beyond

The capability to lead is manifested in certain traits that will enable the ruler to fulfill the responsibilities to manage the affairs of the state. The key trait of Taqwa (consciousness of Allah (ﷺ)) protects…

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