Taraweeh Teachings Day 19- The Power of Good Expectation from Allah(swt)

The Prophet ﷺ narrated that Allah says: “I am as My servant expects Me to be.” (Sahih Bukhari & Muslim) This means our trust, hope, and expectations from Allah determine how we experience His mercy,…

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Ramadan Reflection Day 12- The Day That Defined Islam’s Destiny– Dr. Abdul Wahid

What if the Battle of Badar had never been won? Imagine a world where the Quraysh had crushed the small band of believers, where Islam had never taken root. There would be no Ramadan as…

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The Weight of Ramadan: A Divine Opportunity Not to Be Missed

Ramadan is not just another month—it is a grand invitation from Allah, a chance to rewrite our destiny, to tip the scales in our favor on the Day of Judgment. Why do we yearn for…

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Syria to Gaza: Will we Stand for Justice or Let History Repeat Itself?

History repeats itself when tyrants oppress believers simply for their faith.The lesson is clear: no tyrant, no matter how powerful, escapes the justice of Allah(swt).Oppressors who deny divine guidance and mock the faithful inevitably face…

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One Year of Gaza’s Suffering- What Will Answer on the Day of Judgment?

For over a year, we’ve watched a relentless genocide unfold in Gaza as our leaders remain complicit in silence.  On the Day of Judgment, when the mothers, fathers, and children of Gaza confront us, demanding…

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A year of Complacency – What Did You Do For Us?

We’ve witnessed a year of suffering in Gaza without action. We have allowed our limbs to be severed, our unity dismantled, and our leadership – to stand complicit in betrayal!  How can Muslims, with our…

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From Karbala to Gaza – The Struggle for Justice

Join us for a powerful exploration of courage, justice, and unwavering principles to discover the profound connections between the stand of Husain ibn Ali (RA) against tyranny and the current struggle in Gaza. Through the…

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Faith in Action: Responding to Crisis in Gaza

Join this student leader confront the harsh realities faced in Gaza, marking over six months of intense suffering. This discussion is not just about acknowledging the facts—it’s about taking action. As a community united by…

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Ashura Insights: Historical Perspectives and Present Lessons

The day of Ashura, observed on the 10th of Muharram in the Islamic calendar, encapsulates two historical events with lessons for today. It marked the day Allah (Subhanahu wa ta’ala) saved Prophet Musa (alayhi salaam)…

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Eid ul-Adha – A Day of Unity and Reflection on the Mission of Muslims

Through the Deen of Islam, the Ummah is forever united by the blessing of Allah (سبحانه وتعالى).  As we see around the globe, Muslim of all colors and walks of life celebrating one of the…

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