Farewell To Ramadan

Farwell to Ramadan Source: https://www.facebook.com/West.Ldn.Dawah/videos/?ref=page_internal Youtube: bit.ly/wld-yt

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Morals in Islam: A means to an end? – Abdullah Mufakkir

In this week’s circle, the speaker looks at the topic of morals in Islam and addresses it from a specific context – that is, whether morals are the solution to society’s problem or they are…

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At the Death of the Prophet Muhammad (saw) | 5 Minute Fridays

The Prophet (ﷺ) came back from Al-Baqi. He had a high fever and headache. This was the beginning of his final illness. Later, leaning on his cousins Al-Fadl Ibn Abbas and Imam Ali, he entered…

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