Youth Presentation: The Relevance of The Hijrah (The Migration to Madinah)

The Manifestation of the Prophetic mission was the Hijrah in the month of Rabi?ul-Awwal. Umar (RA) is reported to have said: ?The Hijrah has separated truth from falsehood, so calculate dates from it.? This vital…

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Importance of the Sunnah

There exist many misunderstandings about the reality of the Sunnah even amongst the Muslim Ummah.  Among some, there is an attitude that the Sunnah is of much less importance than the Qur’an.  From this a mentality…

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Comparison of the Society during the Revelation of Islam & Today

Let’s take a deeper look into the social values and systems of the current liberal societies we live in and compare with the values that existed during the revelation of Islam. Examining only highlights the…

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Seerah 49: Delegations from various tribes – Year of Delegations

A review of the key points and understanding of the battles (Ghazawa) is provided to set the framework for understanding the acceptance of Islam in many delegation after conquest  Makkah(Fatah Makkah) and the battle of…

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Seerah 48: Events after Tabuk & First Hajj under the leadership of Abu Bakr(ra)

In the month Dhul-Hijjah, in the the ninth year of Al-Hijra,the Messenger of Allâh (ﷺ) dispatched Abu Bakr(RA)for Al-Hajj (pilgrimage), so that he  would lead the Muslims in performing of the pilgrimage. Soon after the…

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Seerah 45: Missions between Battles– Battle of Hunain & the Battle of Tabuk

Several small missions & battles are addressed after the Battle of Hunain and before the Battle of Tabuk. Missions and platoons were sent to various tribes in the Arabian Peninsula.  Dispatching these platoons to all…

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Seerah 43: Aftermath of the Conquest of Makkah and the Battle of Hunain

The conquest of Makkah shocked both the Arabs and other tribes who realized that they were doomed and had to submit to the new situation leaving them with no option but to accept it. However,…

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Seerah 36: The Battle of Banu Mustaliq and Treacherous Role Munifiqeen

Though militarily it did not assume its full dimension, the Bani Al-Mustaliq (Muraisi‘) Ghazwah had certain implications that brought about a state of turbulence within the Islamic State, and resulted in disgracefulness to the hypocrites….

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Seerah 35: The Response of the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ)to the betrayal of Banu Qurayza

The response of the Prophet (ﷺ)to the betrayal of Banu Qurayza is mistakenly talked about as an incident where the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) acted brutally and Islam is mistakenly referred to as a religion of war and…

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Seerah 34: The Battle of the Trench (Ahzab) and the events leading to the Battle

Seerah 34 The Battle of the Trench (Ahzab) and the events leading to the Battle Once again, peace and security enveloped the Arabian Peninsula and this turbulent area began to experience a period of lull…

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