Mastering Critical Thinking- An Essential tool for every Student

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High School and College / University students are tasked with engaging and expanding their thinking skills. One of the most important of these skills is critical thinking. In fact, the necessity of critical thinking is... Keep Reading »

Understanding the Project of Islam

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A Project is defined as an individual or collaborative enterprise that is carefully planned to achieve a particular aim. The speaker walks us through the concept of the Islam Project and answers the questions of... Keep Reading »

What has the World lost when the Muslims went into decline?

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What has the World lost when the Muslims went into decline? This question requires us to examine the reality of the world today and how it has changed since the decline of the Muslims. This... Keep Reading »

What is a “New World Order”?

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The term “New World Order (NWO)” refers to a new period of history evidencing dramatic change in world political thought and the balance of power in international relations. The most widely discussed application of the... Keep Reading »

The Unique Generation post Sept. 11 (9/11)

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For Muslims who grew up in the shadow of 9/11, the last 20 years have been a time of fear, harassment, and suspicion. But what about Generation Z– the generation that defined by those born... Keep Reading »

Five B4 Five – Youth Presentation

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The Covid-19 pandemic has brought our youth face to face with the one great certainty of life: DEATH. Join this dynamic speaker as he shares youth experiences in remembrance of  the words of the Prophet... Keep Reading »

Evaluating the News- Afghanistan and Beyond

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Evaluating the News- Afghanistan and Beyond The world watches as the changes materialize in Afghanistan.  News outlets are releasing news – some real and some fake minute by minute. Social media is also ablaze with... Keep Reading »

Afghanistan Update Aug 27 2021- Kabul Airport Attack

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Afghanistan Update Aug 27 2021- Kabul Airport Attack With the recent explosions at Kabul Airport, was there anything more that we learned? Has this openly re-affirmed the US continued presence in Afghanistan? What steps should... Keep Reading »

Mistakes & the Blame Game

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The ultimate blame game came from Iblis (shaitan- the devil) towards the Creator Allah (سبحانه وتعالى) in the most famous account in the Quran (Al-A’raf 7:16) where Iblis says “Now that You have led me astray,... Keep Reading »

Understanding the Responsibilities of Parents and children in Islam

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The family is definitely the cornerstone of society, and our children shape our future. Muslim families in the west and in the east are vulnerable to the overwhelming influence of secular values manifested in every... Keep Reading »