Protests against Hijab in Iran- A Women’s Perspective

Br. Bilal Abdul-Kareem from On the Ground News interviews Dr. Nazreen Nawaz, Director of the Women’s Section in the Central Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir, regarding how Muslims should respond to protests against the…

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Role of the Scholar and our Responsibility

The Ummah today more than ever before needs to understand Islam, judge events correctly, and implement the pure Islamic method for solutions.  Today, turning to Scholars seems to be the most widely used method to…

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The Queen is Dead: a Muslim’s Response

Queen Elizabeth II, England’s(UK) longest-serving monarch, has died at age 96, after reigning for 70 years. Join the sheik as he discusses death of any soul and the Muslim response specifically to the death of…

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Viewpoint and Lessons to be Learned from the Karbala Tragedy

The horrific event at Karbala is one of the saddest moments in the history of Islam and it has always brought tears to the eyes of the Muslims.  On the one hand, this episode shook…

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Connecting the New Year to our Lives

Very often when the marking of the New Year and the Hijrah (migration to Medinah) is discussed, we tend to limit ourselves to the details describing how the Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم)hid in a…

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Justice for All

Police in a Chicago suburb punched a subdued a Muslim teenager in the head repeatedly after he fled a traffic stop this past week leaving him hospitalized with internal bleeding. A video from a bystander,…

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Islam’s Melting Pot

Br. Rupon Shahid presents what society and life was like under the Khilafah in the past, and how it will look in the upcoming, second Khilafah Rashidah. Speech taken from Hizb ut-Tahrir Britain’s national conference…

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Nation States An Excuse for Inaction

Dr Nazreen Nawaz  delivers an emotive message to the participants in Hizb ut-Tahrir Britain’s national conference “From Al-Hind to Al-Quds”. She demonstrates the disasters that have befallen the Ummah due to the nation state model,…

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Eid ul-Adha – A Day of Unity and Reflection on the Mission of Muslims

Through the Deen of Islam, the Ummah is forever united by the blessing of Allah (سبحانه وتعالى).  As we see around the globe, Muslim of all colors and walks of life celebrating one of the…

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Changing the Course of the Muslim Ummah

What has happened to the Status of the Muslim Ummah Displaced refugees, mutilated persons whose lives are forever incapacitated, widows, scars of rape, torture and hunger…. These are the effects of the empires of today….

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