Riba Reminder – Usury / Interest

Times are tough for many Muslim families around the world due to the pandemic.  Rents are overdue, students are struggling to make tuition payments and even Masjids & Muslim organizations have fallen on hard times…

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Fruits of Democracy

What started as an experiment in Athens over two thousand years ago eventually pervaded every continent and every land. Democracy, Democracy, Democracy is the repeated call that bellows from the four corners of the globe….

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Seeking relief through Democracy

The speaker educates on the meaning of democracy as rulers like Imran Khan and others are seeking a permanent solution for widespread economic turmoil, poverty, blatant corruption, and distrust in government. –  

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Seerah 45: Missions between Battles– Battle of Hunain & the Battle of Tabuk

Several small missions & battles are addressed after the Battle of Hunain and before the Battle of Tabuk. Missions and platoons were sent to various tribes in the Arabian Peninsula.  Dispatching these platoons to all…

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Chicago and other US Cities in Crisis- One Bloody Day after Another

Chicago’s violence continues at this pace, it will be unfathomable!  Other US cities are not far behind.  The county’s morgue fills up.   Children lie in coffins.   American cities face a daunting rebuilding job in the wake of the…

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The Annexation of the West Bank

The blessed land of Palestine is never far from the hearts of the Muslims, irrespective of their own situation. The call for the annexation of the West Bank has further stressed the need for the…

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Seerah 36: The Battle of Banu Mustaliq and Treacherous Role Munifiqeen

Though militarily it did not assume its full dimension, the Bani Al-Mustaliq (Muraisi‘) Ghazwah had certain implications that brought about a state of turbulence within the Islamic State, and resulted in disgracefulness to the hypocrites….

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What is Systemic Racism?

Oftentimes, words and phrases are used without comprehensively understanding what they mean. “Systemic Racism” What is it? What does it mean? What is the solution?

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Solving the Problem of Racism and Corruption -Muslims Take up the Challenge!

Solving the Problem of Racism and Corruption -Muslims Take up the Challenge! A  Muslim’s perspective on growing up in America with both the subtle and overt negative personal experiences that most African-Americans endure with systemic…

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Racial Genocide in the US & Beyond

An excellent explanation and solution for Racial Genocide persistent in the United States and the World in light of the murder of African American George Floyd.   Source: https://web.facebook.com/mohammad.malkawy/videos/3123934154394862/?t=0            …

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