The Call of Conviction in Islam: Overcoming Global Muslim Oppression (English & Arabic Audio)

Today’s discussion brings to light the powerful lesson of Surat al-Ahzab, echoing the profound struggle between faith and disbelief that continues to shape our existence. The message is clear: Unity in the face of adversity…

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Protecting Muslim Family from Growing LGBTQ Threats

In today’s world, the importance of protecting families and communities from harmful influences cannot be overstated. The Muslim community and the world at large, is facing a new challenge in the form of the LGBTQ+…

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Take a Look #9 Is the West Better Than Islam Because They Believe in Freedom

Emmanuel Macron said “Islam is in crisis around the world”. The West assume they are superior to Islam because they are based on FREEDOM. A Muslim is free to practise their religion and a non…

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Heartfelt Message from al-Hind to Muslims of Britian

A heartfelt message directly from India, where the Ummah are attacked by Hindutva mobs, to the participants in Hizb ut-Tahrir Britain’s national conference “From Al-Hind to Al-Quds”. The conference took place in London and Birmingham…

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Hindutva and Zionism Disease of Death and Destruction

Br. Mazhar Khan explains the death and destruction that both Hindutva and Zionism have caused the Ummah, from al-Hind to al-Quds, to the participants in Hizb ut-Tahrir Britain’s national conference. Source:

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About Hizb ut Tahrir Our Work and Vision-Khilafah Conference 2022

Dr. Abdur-Rafay brings to light the story, successes, and seldom known sacrifices of Hizb-ut-Tahrir, the diligent servants of the Ummah and a global political party whose ideology is Islam and whose singular goal is to…

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Resolving Differences & Building the Islamic Society-Khilafah Conference 2022

Resolving Differences & Building the Islamic Society- Haitham ibn Thbait passionately presents Islam’s glorious history and divine principles for ensuring social cohesion of Society from its very inception under the Leadership of our Prophet (ﷺ)…

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Building an Economic Superpower-Khilafah Conference 2022

Dr. Ayman Hamed precisely articulates the Economic System in Islam and specifically upon what exactly makes it Divine, Unique to all other systems, Practical in reality, and supremely successful in solving the economic problem of…

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Governance of the Khilafah State-Khilafah Conference 2022

Br. Ali Merchant describes the detailed structure, requirements, departments, and institutions that compose the structure of the Khilafah State—directly drawing from the meticulous works of Hizb-ut-Tahrir on the subject. From the institution of the Khaleefah,…

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Youth Presentation: Islamic Focus on Disasters and Response

Hurricane, Flooding, Tornado, Wild Fire, or Tsunami are Devastating phenomena that cause hardship and suffering to all Humanity. The question often arises: why would The Creator allow Devastation to occur? View this video for a…

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