Fear in the Wake of Palestine: An Islamic Perspective

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Fear has taken hold of Muslims and our community, particularly in the wake of recent events in Palestine. Where does this fear originate? How does Islam perceive it, and how is it regarded in contemporary... Keep Reading »

A Victorious Mindset

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A mindset or mentality is a fixed disposition that predetermines a person’s responses to situations. In essence, a mindset is a person’s world view on his/her actions for their worldly affairs. In this month of... Keep Reading »

Between Hope and Fear

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Capitalism & Famine

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In this week’s circle, the speaker covers The subject of Capitalism and Famine. He highlights the unfair distribution of resources in Capitalism and makes a comparison how Islam dealt with famine in the past and... Keep Reading »

Take a Look #3 Muslims are FAR from Islam

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Some say that muslims are far away from Islam and not ready for the Khilafah. Some say that until all Muslims are practising, our situation will not change. Some hold the view that if your... Keep Reading »

Youth Presentation: Becoming a Lion of Islam

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Youth Presentation: Becoming a Lion of Islam Mention the word “Lion” and it immediately evokes qualities of bravery, strength, and valor.  These attributes are rightfully attributed to our Sahaba- radiyallahu ‘anhum.  Join this speaker as... Keep Reading »

Afghanistan Update Sept 12 2021- ”The End of the Ends”

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Everyone is asking what’s next for the people of Afghanistan and the Taliban? Are there obligations with the inherited victory? Let’s look at the options and what would lead to success for the Muslims of... Keep Reading »

Who do you think you are?- 5 Minute Fridays

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How do you build a strong Islamic identity? How do countries build national identities?   Source: https://www.youtube.com/user/TajiMustafa Share | Like | Subscribe Follow me: Twitter: @TajiMustafa Instagram: @Taji.Mustafa Facebook: www.fb.com/taji.mustafa.page Keep Reading »