Youth Presentation: How to cultivate a Tawakkul (Reliance) Mindset

Muslims must make absolute Tawakkul or reliance on Allah. What does that mean?  How can youth create a mindset of “reliance” on Allah (سبحانه وتعالى)to overcome the pressures of school, society, and the future? Join…

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Al Aqsa and Gaza are Bleeding – Who Will Respond?

Over the past few weeks, we have once again witnessed heart breaking attacks on our sacred mosque – Al Aqsa and on our brothers and sisters in Gaza and other parts of the Blessed land…

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What will be our Support and Solution for Al-Aqsa

Al-Aqsa remains under the darkness of occupation and subject to the whims of its occupiers who feel they can exert their authority over it however and whenever they wish. And yet the resolve of our…

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Eid ul Fitr Khutbah 2021

A very poignant and moving Eid ul Fitr Khutbah as the issue of Al-Aqsa and the blessed land of Palestine continues to escalate with no end in sight. Join us as the speaker reminds us…

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Purpose and Importance of the Quran

Throughout human history, Allah سبحانه وتعالى sent numerous prophets to different parts of the world and to all its different nations. Prophets were chosen from among the people and were no different in physical make-up…

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Taraweeh Message in Focus Day 24

In the month of Ramadan Muslims enjoin in the maintaining of fasts, paying Zakat, offering Sadaqa and strengthening spirituality. Taraweeh is a form of Qiyaam-ul-Layl (night prayer) specified in the month of Ramadan where whomever prays Taraweeh,…

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Taraweeh Message in Focus Day 23

In the month of Ramadan Muslims enjoin in the maintaining of fasts, paying Zakat, offering Sadaqa and strengthening spirituality. Taraweeh is a form of Qiyaam-ul-Layl (night prayer) specified in the month of Ramadan where whomever prays Taraweeh,…

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COVID-19 Vaccine: Your Questions Answered

Covid-19 Vaccine: Your Questions Answered Dr. Abdul Wahid | Dr. Salman Rahman Source:

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Between Hope and Fear of Allah–5 Minute Fridays

How do we maintain hope in Allah? What did Imam Abu Hanifa (ra) say regarding this ayah? وَٱتَّقُوا۟ ٱلنَّارَ ٱلَّتِىٓ أُعِدَّتْ لِلْكَـٰفِرِينَ ‘ Guard yourselves against the Fire prepared for the disbelievers.‘ [Ali Imran 3:131]…

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Seerah 41: Conquest of Makkah Part 1

The great victory for Muslims was the conquest of Makkah, the largest stronghold of the Kufaar at the time.  The Muslim army numbering ten thousand set off from Madinah to conquer Makkah. They eventually reached…

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