ISLAM Knowledge is power

To defend Islam, we must know our Deen. Knowledge is power. [Part of a khutbah on the hadith about tests (fitan) and holding onto hot coals.] Watch FULL Khutbah: Source: Share | Like…

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The Epic Story of Musa. Part 5 Parting of the Sea

After the disastrous contest Firown arranged, the magicians were killed and a campaign of propaganda and fear was unleashed to undermine Musa ???? ????. However, Musa ???? ???? remains an issue for Firown. Firown calls…

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The Epic Story of Musa. Part 4 The Contest

Is the ummah far too divided? We hear things like: – ?If we can?t even agree which is the right way to pray, how can we have a Khilafah?? – ?If a deobandi or a…

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The Epic Story of Musa. Part 3 The Return

Musa ???? ???? makes a snap decision to return home to Egypt. However, he still has a death sentence hanging over his head. On route, Allah ? appoints him as a prophet and orders him…

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The Epic Story of Musa- Part 2 Fleeing Egypt

Musa ???? ???? hits a man who dies. The killing of an Egyptian by a non Egyptian is not a simple police. For Firown, it is a matter of state security. The Egyptian government calls…

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Youth Presentation: Sunnahs of Eid

Bismillah Ar-Rahman Ar-Raheem A warm and loving Eid Mubarak from Deen One! May we all have much fun, enjoyment and ?Eidi/gifts as we gather with our family and friends during the days of Eid. Contrary…

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