Ramadan Reflection Day 12- The Day That Defined Islam’s Destiny– Dr. Abdul Wahid

What if the Battle of Badar had never been won? Imagine a world where the Quraysh had crushed the small band of believers, where Islam had never taken root. There would be no Ramadan as…

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Is it truly Justice for All?

How does true justice manifest in a world riddled with double standards, privilege, and systemic inequality? Join the sheik as he contrasts the justice under Islam with contemporary practices, questioning the fairness of modern systems…

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After the Elections-Understanding Leadership Standards

What does true leadership look like in a world overwhelmed by self-interest and power struggles? Let’s reflect on what it means to lead from the Islamic perspective.  Are we living up to the standards set…

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Reviving the Ummah: Answering the Call of Al-Fatihah in Our Lives

In the face of suffering in Gaza, Sudan, and beyond, it’s time to ask ourselves: Are we truly embodying the guidance of Islam in our lives? While we recite Al-Fatihah every day, do we genuinely…

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Talk 33 – Reviving Legends

Talk 33 – Reviving Legends Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dE3K7y8iWMI

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Talk 32 – Reviving Legends

Talk 32 – Reviving Legends Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tlTGNBYY-eY

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Talk 31 – Reviving Legends

Talk 31 – Reviving Legends Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rrqAGCCBM28

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Talk 30 – Reviving Legends

Talk 30 – Reviving Legends Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dTpOf3hI2CU

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Talk 29 – Reviving Legends

Talk 29 – Reviving Legends Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l33E2iqc2fc

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Talk 28 – Reviving Legends

Talk 28 – Reviving Legends Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P2RxrRqN338

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