Mastering Critical Thinking- An Essential tool for every Student

High School and College / University students are tasked with engaging and expanding their thinking skills. One of the most important of these skills is critical thinking. In fact, the necessity of critical thinking is…

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Women and Girls deserve Justice but who is Responsible?

Fact: We live in a WORLD where girls as little as 10 years old are pregnant. Fact: We live in a WORLD where rape, assault, and harassment is a norm for girls and women. Fact:…

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The Unique Generation post Sept. 11 (9/11)

For Muslims who grew up in the shadow of 9/11, the last 20 years have been a time of fear, harassment, and suspicion. But what about Generation Z– the generation that defined by those born…

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Afghanistan Update Aug 27 2021- Kabul Airport Attack

Afghanistan Update Aug 27 2021- Kabul Airport Attack With the recent explosions at Kabul Airport, was there anything more that we learned? Has this openly re-affirmed the US continued presence in Afghanistan? What steps should…

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Five B4 Five – Youth Presentation

The Covid-19 pandemic has brought our youth face to face with the one great certainty of life: DEATH. Join this dynamic speaker as he shares youth experiences in remembrance of  the words of the Prophet…

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Will you support the Taliban?

Will you support the Taliban? How can we contribute to Islamic change in this Muslim land? The opportunities, challenges and lessons as the Taliban take over Kabul, Afghanistan.   Source:

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Evaluating the News- Afghanistan and Beyond

Evaluating the News- Afghanistan and Beyond The world watches as the changes materialize in Afghanistan.  News outlets are releasing news – some real and some fake minute by minute. Social media is also ablaze with…

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Establishing a Constitution – an imperative for the Muslims in Afghanistan

Establishing a Constitution – an imperative for the Muslims in Afghanistan When we ask the question of what must be done after acquiring a land, the answer is definitively establishing a constitution. Evidence for this…

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Afghanistan Takeover- What’s Going on?

Afghanistan Takeover- What’s going on? With America withdrawing from Afghanistan, Taliban has swiftly moved to take control over Afghanistan and ousting Ashraf Ghani’s government.   Many questions have been asked and many concerns have been raised…

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Hijrah The Marking of a Transformation

Sayyiduna ‘Abdullah ibn Hisham (radiyallahu ‘anhu) reports that the Sahabah (radiyallahu ‘anhum) would learn the following du’a for when the new month or new year would begin: اللّهم أَدْخِلْهُ عَلينا بِالأمْنِ وَالإيمان، وَالسَّلامَةِ وَالإسْلام، وِجوارٍ مِّنَ الشَّيْطان،…

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