Take a Look #4 Muslims are too Divided

Is the ummah far too divided? We hear things like: – ?If we can?t even agree which is the right way to pray, how can we have a Khilafah?? – ?If a deobandi or a…

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Conviction in the Promises of Allah(swt)

Do we have conviction in the promises of Allah(swt)?  Listen in as sheik brilliantly explains what is meant by conviction in the promises of Allah(swt)’ through the example of Isra and Mi ’raj and the…

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Science is not a Proof

Can science be used to prove homosexuality? Source: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCL1X2iojH4mBjf-uem3D31g/videos

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What does Rasool’Allah (SAW) mean to the Muslims?

The Friday Circle presents a small talk given by Ustad Juned Abu Yusuf. The talk answers the question: What does Rasool’Allah (SAW) mean to the Muslims? It gives us perspective on the current attack on…

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Being Time Conscious

End of Semester… No more tests, homework, class! Freedom to do what you want when you want!  Join us as the sheik explains the importance of being time conscious as students take a break during…

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The Rotten Fruit and What it Does!

There is a rotten fruit in the Muslim Ummah that prioritizes Muslims towards attaining the worldly pleasure. This idea has been penetrating into the minds of this ummah as a slow poison and it’s time…

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The Cause and Solution for the Division of the Ummah

The problems stemming from the division of our global Ummah are too many to count.  Why are we divided? What causes us to divide? What can bring us together as one Ummah? Join the sheik…

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Carrying the Prophetsﷺ Legacy to Attain the Pleasure of Allah (swt)

There are many great characters in history, but none of their legacies impacted the world nor shaped the politics and lives of nations to the extent that the life and legacy of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ. …

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Surah Al-Buruj- Ultimate Achievement is Attaining the Pleasure of Allah

The most important goal a Muslim aims to achieve in his or her life is the pleasure of Allah. Whatever comes on our path in life, achieving this goal is what is on our mind…

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