Remember Death (Destroyer of pleasures)

The importance of remembering death. “Remember the destroyer of pleasures (death) often” [Tirmidhi] Source: Share | Like | Subscribe Follow me: Twitter: @TajiMustafa Instagram: @Taji.Mustafa Facebook:

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Taraweeh Reflections Day 23 – Ramadan 1444 Hijri 2023

On the 23rd night of Taraweeh Reflections during Ramadan, we delve into verses 21-31 from Surat Al Gafir, also known as Surat Al Mumin. These verses discuss the Makki life of Prophet Muhammad (saw) and…

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Taraweeh Reflections Day 21 – Ramadan 1444 Hijri 2023

On the 21st night of Taraweeh Reflections, let’s reflect and be grateful for the blessing of Allah (swt) has bestowed upon us to witness and gain his pleasure in the first of he last ten…

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Taraweeh Reflections Day 20 – Ramadan 1444 Hijri 2023

On the 20th night of Taraweeh Reflections, join the Sheik as he delves into Surah Luqman Verses 1-7, exploring the attributes of the truly successful believers and the tactics used by those who seek to…

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Taraweeh Reflections Day 8 – Ramadan 1444 Hijri 2023

On this the 8th Day of Taraweeh Reflections, the Sheik convenes a thought-provoking discussion about the verses from Surah Al-Anfal Ayats 27-28. In today’s episode, the sheik focuses on the importance of our responsibilities toward…

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