The Fall of Assad- An Awakening for the Ummah

Amid global turmoil and relentless oppression, the collapse of the Assad regime ignites a beacon of hope in the darkness. This gripping talk delves into the historic lessons of the Battle of Ahzab, where faith…

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Rebuilding the Ummah’s Strength

Join the Sheik as he uncovers the pressing question: where is the victory that Allah(swt) has promised? Amidst the turmoil faced by the Muslim Ummah in Bangladesh, Kashmir, and Palestine,Gaza, and beyond, it’s clear that our own actions…

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Gaining Strength from the Past – Empowering Today’s Ummah Through History

Today, as we witness a global outcry against the genocide and injustices faced by our brothers and sisters in Gaza, it is clear that this is a geopolitical issue with clear moral imperatives rooted in…

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Defying Empires – Early Muslim Triumphs and Modern Parallels in Gaza

Join us as we delve into the early challenges faced by Muslims in the 7th century against the backdrop of the Roman and Persian empires. This session examines how a small community of Muslims overcame…

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Taraweeh Reflections Day 21 – Ramadan 1444 Hijri 2023

On the 21st night of Taraweeh Reflections, let’s reflect and be grateful for the blessing of Allah (swt) has bestowed upon us to witness and gain his pleasure in the first of he last ten…

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Changing the Course of the Muslim Ummah

What has happened to the Status of the Muslim Ummah Displaced refugees, mutilated persons whose lives are forever incapacitated, widows, scars of rape, torture and hunger…. These are the effects of the empires of today….

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A Victorious Mindset

A mindset or mentality is a fixed disposition that predetermines a person’s responses to situations. In essence, a mindset is a person’s world view on his/her actions for their worldly affairs. In this month of…

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Virtues of Ramadan- Perfect Time for Restoration and Revival

The problems that Muslims face today are no different from the problems of the earliest Muslims of being abandoned by their own people, being labelled as insane or fanatics, facing social and economic restrictions, being…

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Virtues of Ramadan- Ramadan 101

Ramadan is a month where Allah (swt) makes it possible for each soul to reboot and where the son of Adam has the opportunity that Allah (swt) forgives his sins and to become one of…

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Youth Presentation: Victories in Ramadan

Ramadan is the month of Victory! Ramadan is the month within which the Quran was revealed. It is this month within there is a night Laylut al Qadr which is better than a thousand months…

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