Al Isra wal Miraj (Night Journey and Ascension)- Understanding its Significance in Today’s Life

The Muslim Ummah worldwide celebrates Isra and Miraj (Night Journey and Ascension) on the 27th of Rajab. The sheikh explains how the significance and lessons of this blessed day can determine success or failure for Muslims in the…

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Conviction in the Promises of Allah(swt)

Do we have conviction in the promises of Allah(swt)?  Listen in as sheik brilliantly explains what is meant by conviction in the promises of Allah(swt)’ through the example of Isra and Mi ’raj and the…

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Navigating the Path to Justice

An explosion struck Monday in a Masjid in the northwestern Pakistani city of Peshawar. The previous week in Jenin, traumatized and afraid Muslims are still reeling from the Zionist raid. Where and how can Muslim…

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Let’s Solve the World’s Problems

Killing and bloodshed witnessed in Jenin and Palestine.  Death from freezing cold in Afghanistan. Tyre Nichols’ brutal beating by police All the above-mentioned incidents from the past week have definite solutions!     Join the sheik…

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Youth Presentation -Do I fear Allah swt like I fear Spiders Do I fear Allah swt like I fear Spiders

Becoming a Al-Muttaqun (the believers with Taqwa (piety))), or a person who fears and obeys Allah, is the goal of every Muslim. What is the concept of “Fear” when it comes to Allah(swt)?  Is it…

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Carrying the Legacy to the West

The legacy of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was to carry the message of Islam to all of humanity.  No one can deny that Rasool Allah (saw) completed this task in the absolute best manner. This precocious…

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Being Time Conscious

End of Semester… No more tests, homework, class! Freedom to do what you want when you want!  Join us as the sheik explains the importance of being time conscious as students take a break during…

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Flashes of Unity at the World Cup

In the Muslim World where the thought of unity is met with “Unity of the Muslims is not possible”, it was refreshing to see Muslims around the world be proud of the Moroccan football team…

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The Rotten Fruit and What it Does!

There is a rotten fruit in the Muslim Ummah that prioritizes Muslims towards attaining the worldly pleasure. This idea has been penetrating into the minds of this ummah as a slow poison and it’s time…

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Whats your Legacy?

Talk 1: Muslim Youth leaving a Legacy Talk2: Hidden attack on the Messenger of Allah (SAW)

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