25th December 2011
The return of al- Khilafah -- Taji Mustafa
The fall of the Firawns and the return of al-Khilafah
This year will forever be known as the year that the modern day Firawns were toppled from their thrones. The remaining tyrants live in fear that they may be next.
The Ummah has risen from her slumber, removed the shackles of fear and are standing in the face of the tyrants.
The Ummah now stands at the crossroads between democracy, the promise of the West, or al-Khilafah the promise of Allah (swt) and Rasool (saw).
This Qiyaam ul-Layl will clarify our responsibility to the Ummah and explain that the future of this Ummah lies in the re-establishment of al-Khilafah.
The return of al-Khilafah – Taji Mustafa – Qiyaam, Birmingham, UK
August 27, 2019
August 27, 2019
- Categories: Islamic Solutions for Today's Problems